Am Donnerstag, den 13.01.2005, 11:08 +0100 schrieb Stefan Winter:

> Now that's a complicated script. How about
> #!/bin/bash
> pstree | grep radiusd || /etc/rc.d/init.d/radiusd restart

As i already wrote in another thread i have nearly the same problem (and
also almost the same setup: two radius servers logging to one mysql db,
and both dying at the same time).
The problem with your one liner is that the radiusd is not always dying
with assertion failed, but sometimes just hangs, so this restart script
won't work, but something doing real auth req. works perfect.
These problems are just occouring from time to time and i don't know
exactly when. Too much simultaneous radius requests? Too much load on
the db? Or maybe the network is just slow from time to time...
The only thing to note is that the crashes are happening more recurrent
lately, i guess this happens because the db gets slower as the amount of
acct data in the radacct table grows.


Stephan Jaeger

Stephan Jaeger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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