>The problem seems to be, again, that even one adds
>> >--with-ltdl-lib=/opt/csw/share/libtool/libltdl
>> >--with-ltdl-include=/opt/csw/share/libtool/libltdl
>"make" does not seem to care about it.

I've found this to be the case with several (if not all) of the
--with-BLAH-lib and with --with-BLAH-include options.

What I've found today, is that in the configure script where it reads
the --with options (around line ~560), if I remove the with_ part of the
resulting variable, it does a little better.

-    eval "with_${ac_package}='$ac_optarg'" ;;
+    eval "${ac_package}='$ac_optarg'" ;;

Not sure if this is an overall solution though, or what else it might
break. Still investigating, but Solaris seems to have definite trouble
with this. Making this change certainly helped configure find ucd-snmp
on my system though...

What I wonder is that if others haven't noticed this because they have
all their software installed in the default locations (eg "/usr/local"),
which is generally explicitly specified during the configure test

Please let me know if you find out anything more...


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