Hi all,
       I am a new user here. Infact this is my first
email as I am just beginning to use freeradius. I am
trying to run the Radius server and client in the same
system but the server on wired LAN and the client on
wireless. I am having some problem which I am
mentioning below. It should be something very basic
that I am ignoring. For any help many thanks in

  So here is the problem. The Radius server(wired) is
running on and the client I am using
has the address 

  I made the server run on the 152... address by
changing the radiusd.conf file and added the entry for
wireless client 192... in the clients.conf file. 

  My default route is set through wireless so that a
request can be sent out. Now I give the following
command. 'radtest123' is the user's password and the
'testing123-1' is the shared secret defined for the
client in the client.conf file.
Command Prompt# radtest someone radtest123 10 testing123-1
Sending Access-Request of id 232 to
        User-Name = "someone"
        User-Password = "radtest123"
        NAS-IP-Address = something
        NAS-Port = 10
Re-sending Access-Request of id 232 to
        User-Name = "someone"
        User-Password =
        NAS-IP-Address = something
        NAS-Port = 10
and this Re-sending keeps repeating until time-out

Following is the server's output in radiusd -X.
Listening on authentication
Listening on accounting
Listening on proxy
Ready to process requests.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host, id=232, length=59
Ignoring request from unknown client

     I understand that this error is coming becuase of
address 152.15... not being defined in the
clients.conf file. But in that file we define the
address of the client and not the server and IP
address in the radtest command stands for the server
not the client. 
     Now what I am failing to understand is that if my
wireless client is sending the request then the server
should have as the host from which the
request has been received, then why it is having
152.15.... as the sender's address. 
     I am sure becuase of the tcpdump command output
that the wireless client is the default outgoing
source and thus the request must come from the
192.168... and not from 152.15....
   Something very basic is wrong, any help will be


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