Novell has worked with the most recent release of freeradius to
include support for eDirectory.   (Thank you, Novell.)

Up until now I've only been able to make freeradius work with
eDirectory over clear text ldap on TCP:389.

We really want to have freradius connect via ldaps on TCP:636.   I
have been able to get freeradius to work over ldaps with openldap, but
not with edirectory.

The new integration with edirectory (compile with --with-edir) is
supposed to work.  However Novell has not distributed the Radius
plug-in for iManager (it's locked away on their beta servers).  Does
ANYONE here know of a way to get ahold of this plug-in?  I've
contacted some fairly high level engineers at Novell and for several
days we haven't been able to get the plug-in.

I can only assume that the developers from novell and those of you who
develop for free-radius have some information that my sources don't
about this plug-in.  There's a link to the plug-in on the open source
site so I'm hoping that this plug-in is GPL.

BTW - You coders have built a ROCK SOLID product.  I have no idea how
you manage to do this and still keep a day job.

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