
We are trying to authenticate the last version of freeradius (1.0.1) in Solaris 9 against LDAP and we are always getting the same error when we try to start radius with the command:

       /usr/local/sbin/radiusd -S -X

You can view the "radiusd.conf" and "users" files, and the error we get is this:

Module: Loaded exec
exec: wait = yes
exec: program = "(null)"
exec: input_pairs = "request"
exec: output_pairs = "(null)"
exec: packet_type = "(null)"
rlm_exec: Wait=yes but no output defined. Did you mean output=none?
Module: Instantiated exec (exec)
Module: Loaded expr
Module: Instantiated expr (expr)
Module: Loaded PAP
pap: encryption_scheme = "crypt"
Module: Instantiated pap (pap)
Module: Loaded CHAP
Module: Instantiated chap (chap)
Segmentation Fault

  Anyone can help us?

  Thanks very much!

                José Berenguer Giménez
        Área de Comunicaciones-Servicio de Informática
          Crta. de Sacramento s/n, 04120 - Almería
          Tlf.: 950014014 E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


#  The names and configuration of each module is located in this section.
#  After the modules are defined here, they may be referred to by name,
#  in other sections of this configuration file.
modules {
        #  Each module has a configuration as follows:
        #       name [ instance ] {
        #               config_item = value
        #               ...
        #       }
        #  The 'name' is used to load the 'rlm_name' library
        #  which implements the functionality of the module.
        #  The 'instance' is optional.  To have two different instances
        #  of a module, it first must be referred to by 'name'.
        #  The different copies of the module are then created by
        #  inventing two 'instance' names, e.g. 'instance1' and 'instance2'
        #  The instance names can then be used in later configuration
        #  INSTEAD of the original 'name'.  See the 'radutmp' configuration
        #  below for an example.

        # PAP module to authenticate users based on their stored password
        #  Supports multiple encryption schemes
        #  clear: Clear text
        #  crypt: Unix crypt
        #    md5: MD5 ecnryption
        #   sha1: SHA1 encryption.
        #  DEFAULT: crypt
        pap {
                encryption_scheme = crypt

        # CHAP module
        #  To authenticate requests containing a CHAP-Password attribute.
        chap {
                authtype = CHAP

        # Pluggable Authentication Modules
        #  For Linux, see:
        #       http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/pam/index.html
        #  WARNING: On many systems, the system PAM libraries have
        #           memory leaks!  We STRONGLY SUGGEST that you do not
        #           use PAM for authentication, due to those memory leaks.
        pam {
                #  The name to use for PAM authentication.
                #  PAM looks in /etc/pam.d/${pam_auth_name}
                #  for it's configuration.  See 'redhat/radiusd-pam'
                #  for a sample PAM configuration file.
                #  Note that any Pam-Auth attribute set in the 'authorize'
                #  section will over-ride this one.
                pam_auth = radiusd

        # Unix /etc/passwd style authentication
        unix {
                #  Cache /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow, and /etc/group
                #  The default is to NOT cache them.
                #  For FreeBSD and NetBSD, you do NOT want to enable
                #  the cache, as it's password lookups are done via a
                #  database, so set this value to 'no'.
                #  Some systems (e.g. RedHat Linux with pam_pwbd) can
                #  take *seconds* to check a password, when th passwd
                #  file containing 1000's of entries.  For those systems,
                #  you should set the cache value to 'yes', and set
                #  the locations of the 'passwd', 'shadow', and 'group'
                #  files, below.
                # allowed values: {no, yes}
                cache = no

                # Reload the cache every 600 seconds (10mins). 0 to disable.
                cache_reload = 600

                #  Define the locations of the normal passwd, shadow, and
                #  group files.
                #  'shadow' is commented out by default, because not all
                #  systems have shadow passwords.
                #  To force the module to use the system password functions,
                #  instead of reading the files, leave the following entries
                #  commented out.
                #  This is required for some systems, like FreeBSD,
                #  and Mac OSX.
                #       passwd = /etc/passwd
                #       shadow = /etc/shadow
                #       group = /etc/group
                passwd = /etc/passwd.radius
                shadow = /etc/shadow.radius
                group = /etc/group.radius

                #  The location of the "wtmp" file.
                #  This should be moved to it's own module soon.
                #  The only use for 'radlast'.  If you don't use
                #  'radlast', then you can comment out this item.
                radwtmp = ${logdir}/radwtmp

        #  Extensible Authentication Protocol
        #  For all EAP related authentications.
        #  Now in another file, because it is very large.
#$INCLUDE ${confdir}/eap.conf

        # Microsoft CHAP authentication
        #  This module supports MS-CHAP and MS-CHAPv2 authentication.
        #  It also enforces the SMB-Account-Ctrl attribute.
#       mschap {
                #  As of 0.9, the mschap module does NOT support
                #  reading from /etc/smbpasswd.
                #  If you are using /etc/smbpasswd, see the 'passwd'
                #  module for an example of how to use /etc/smbpasswd

                # authtype value, if present, will be used
                # to overwrite (or add) Auth-Type during
                # authorization. Normally should be MS-CHAP
#               authtype = MS-CHAP
                # if use_mppe is not set to no mschap will
                # add MS-CHAP-MPPE-Keys for MS-CHAPv1 and
                # MS-MPPE-Recv-Key/MS-MPPE-Send-Key for MS-CHAPv2
                #use_mppe = no

                # if mppe is enabled require_encryption makes
                # encryption moderate
                #require_encryption = yes

                # require_strong always requires 128 bit key
                # encryption
                #require_strong = yes

                # Windows sends us a username in the form of
                # DOMAIN\user, but sends the challenge response
                # based on only the user portion.  This hack
                # corrects for that incorrect behavior.
                #with_ntdomain_hack = no

                # The module can perform authentication itself, OR
                # use a Windows Domain Controller.  This configuration
                # directive tells the module to call the ntlm_auth
                # program, which will do the authentication, and return
                # the NT-Key.  Note that you MUST have "winbindd" and
                # "nmbd" running on the local machine for ntlm_auth
                # to work.  See the ntlm_auth program documentation
                # for details.
                # Be VERY careful when editing the following line!
                #ntlm_auth = "/path/to/ntlm_auth --request-nt-key 
--challenge=%{mschap:Challenge:-00} --nt-response=%{mschap:NT-Response:-00}"
#       }

        # Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
        #  This module definition allows you to use LDAP for
        #  authorization and authentication (Auth-Type := LDAP)
        #  See doc/rlm_ldap for description of configuration options 
        #  and sample authorize{} and authenticate{} blocks 
        ldap {
server = "bacterio.ual.es"
                # identity = "cn=admin,o=My Org,c=UA"
                # password = mypass
                basedn = "cn=Users,dc=bacterio,dc=com"
                filter = "(uid=%{Stripped-User-Name:-%{User-Name}})"
                # base_filter = "(objectclass=radiusprofile)"

                # set this to 'yes' to use TLS encrypted connections
                # to the LDAP database by using the StartTLS extended
                # operation.
                # The StartTLS operation is supposed to be used with normal
                # ldap connections instead of using ldaps (port 689) connections
                start_tls = no

                # tls_cacertfile        = /path/to/cacert.pem
                # tls_cacertdir         = /path/to/ca/dir/
                # tls_certfile          = /path/to/radius.crt
                # tls_keyfile           = /path/to/radius.key
                # tls_randfile          = /path/to/rnd
                # tls_require_cert      = "demand"

                # default_profile = "cn=radprofile,ou=dialup,o=My Org,c=UA"
                # profile_attribute = "radiusProfileDn"
                access_attr = "dialupAccess"

                # Mapping of RADIUS dictionary attributes to LDAP
                # directory attributes.
                dictionary_mapping = ${raddbdir}/ldap.attrmap

                ldap_connections_number = 5

                # NOTICE: The password_header directive is NOT case insensitive
                # password_header = "{clear}"
                #  The server can usually figure this out on its own, and pull
                #  the correct User-Password or NT-Password from the database.
                #  Note that NT-Passwords MUST be stored as a 32-digit hex
                #  string, and MUST start off with "0x", such as:
                #       0x000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f
                #  Without the leading "0x", NT-Passwords will not work.
                #  This goes for NT-Passwords stored in SQL, too.
                # password_attribute = userPassword
                # groupname_attribute = cn
                # groupmembership_filter = 
                # groupmembership_attribute = radiusGroupName
                timeout = 4
                timelimit = 3
                net_timeout = 1
                # compare_check_items = yes
                # do_xlat = yes
                # access_attr_used_for_allow = yes

authorize {
        #  The preprocess module takes care of sanitizing some bizarre
        #  attributes in the request, and turning them into attributes
        #  which are more standard.
        #  It takes care of processing the 'raddb/hints' and the
        #  'raddb/huntgroups' files.
        #  It also adds the %{Client-IP-Address} attribute to the request.

        #  If you want to have a log of authentication requests,
        #  un-comment the following line, and the 'detail auth_log'
        #  section, above.
#       attr_filter

        #  The chap module will set 'Auth-Type := CHAP' if we are
        #  handling a CHAP request and Auth-Type has not already been set

        #  If the users are logging in with an MS-CHAP-Challenge
        #  attribute for authentication, the mschap module will find
        #  the MS-CHAP-Challenge attribute, and add 'Auth-Type := MS-CHAP'
        #  to the request, which will cause the server to then use
        #  the mschap module for authentication.
#       mschap

        #  If you have a Cisco SIP server authenticating against
        #  FreeRADIUS, uncomment the following line, and the 'digest'
        #  line in the 'authenticate' section.
#       digest

        #  Look for IPASS style 'realm/', and if not found, look for
        #  '@realm', and decide whether or not to proxy, based on
        #  that.
#       IPASS

        #  If you are using multiple kinds of realms, you probably
        #  want to set "ignore_null = yes" for all of them.
        #  Otherwise, when the first style of realm doesn't match,
        #  the other styles won't be checked.
#       ntdomain

        #  This module takes care of EAP-MD5, EAP-TLS, and EAP-LEAP
        #  authentication.
        #  It also sets the EAP-Type attribute in the request
        #  attribute list to the EAP type from the packet.
#       eap

        #  Read the 'users' file

        #  Look in an SQL database.  The schema of the database
        #  is meant to mirror the "users" file.
        #  See "Authorization Queries" in sql.conf
#       sql

        #  If you are using /etc/smbpasswd, and are also doing
        #  mschap authentication, the un-comment this line, and
        #  configure the 'etc_smbpasswd' module, above.
#       etc_smbpasswd

        #  The ldap module will set Auth-Type to LDAP if it has not
        #  already been set

        #  Enforce daily limits on time spent logged in.
#       daily

        # Use the checkval module
#       checkval

#  Authentication.
#  This section lists which modules are available for authentication.
#  Note that it does NOT mean 'try each module in order'.  It means
#  that a module from the 'authorize' section adds a configuration
#  attribute 'Auth-Type := FOO'.  That authentication type is then
#  used to pick the apropriate module from the list below.

#  In general, you SHOULD NOT set the Auth-Type attribute.  The server
#  will figure it out on its own, and will do the right thing.  The
#  most common side effect of erroneously setting the Auth-Type
#  attribute is that one authentication method will work, but the
#  others will not.
#  The common reasons to set the Auth-Type attribute by hand
#  is to either forcibly reject the user, or forcibly accept him.
authenticate {
        #  PAP authentication, when a back-end database listed
        #  in the 'authorize' section supplies a password.  The
        #  password can be clear-text, or encrypted.
        Auth-Type PAP {

        #  Most people want CHAP authentication
        #  A back-end database listed in the 'authorize' section
        #  MUST supply a CLEAR TEXT password.  Encrypted passwords
        #  won't work.
        Auth-Type CHAP {

        #  MSCHAP authentication.
#       Auth-Type MS-CHAP {
#               mschap
#       }

        #  If you have a Cisco SIP server authenticating against
        #  FreeRADIUS, uncomment the following line, and the 'digest'
        #  line in the 'authorize' section.
#       digest

        #  Pluggable Authentication Modules.
#       pam

        #  See 'man getpwent' for information on how the 'unix'
        #  module checks the users password.  Note that packets
        #  containing CHAP-Password attributes CANNOT be authenticated
        #  against /etc/passwd!  See the FAQ for details.
#       unix

        # Uncomment it if you want to use ldap for authentication
        # Note that this means "check plain-text password against
        # the ldap database", which means that EAP won't work,
        # as it does not supply a plain-text password.
        Auth-Type LDAP {

        #  Allow EAP authentication.
#       eap

#  Pre-accounting.  Decide which accounting type to use.
preacct {

        #  Ensure that we have a semi-unique identifier for every
        #  request, and many NAS boxes are broken.

        #  Look for IPASS-style 'realm/', and if not found, look for
        #  '@realm', and decide whether or not to proxy, based on
        #  that.
        #  Accounting requests are generally proxied to the same
        #  home server as authentication requests.
#       IPASS
#       ntdomain

        #  Read the 'acct_users' file

#  Accounting.  Log the accounting data.
accounting {
        #  Create a 'detail'ed log of the packets.
        #  Note that accounting requests which are proxied
        #  are also logged in the detail file.
#       daily

        #  Update the wtmp file
        #  If you don't use "radlast", you can delete this line.
#       unix

        #  For Simultaneous-Use tracking.
        #  Due to packet losses in the network, the data here
        #  may be incorrect.  There is little we can do about it.
#       sradutmp

        #  Return an address to the IP Pool when we see a stop record.
#       main_pool

        #  Log traffic to an SQL database.
        #  See "Accounting queries" in sql.conf
#       sql

        #  Cisco VoIP specific bulk accounting
#       pgsql-voip


#  Session database, used for checking Simultaneous-Use. Either the radutmp 
#  or rlm_sql module can handle this.
#  The rlm_sql module is *much* faster
session {

        #  See "Simultaneous Use Checking Querie" in sql.conf
#       sql

#  Post-Authentication
#  Once we KNOW that the user has been authenticated, there are
#  additional steps we can take.
post-auth {
        #  Get an address from the IP Pool.
#       main_pool

        #  If you want to have a log of authentication replies,
        #  un-comment the following line, and the 'detail reply_log'
        #  section, above.

        #  After authenticating the user, do another SQL qeury.
        #  See "Authentication Logging Queries" in sql.conf
#       sql

        #  Access-Reject packets are sent through the REJECT sub-section
        #  of the post-auth section.
#       Post-Auth-Type REJECT {
#               insert-module-name-here
#       }


#  When the server decides to proxy a request to a home server,
#  the proxied request is first passed through the pre-proxy
#  stage.  This stage can re-write the request, or decide to
#  cancel the proxy.
#  Only a few modules currently have this method.
pre-proxy {
#       attr_rewrite

        #  If you want to have a log of packets proxied to a home
        #  server, un-comment the following line, and the
        #  'detail pre_proxy_log' section, above.
#       pre_proxy_log

#  When the server receives a reply to a request it proxied
#  to a home server, the request may be massaged here, in the
#  post-proxy stage.
post-proxy {

        #  If you want to have a log of replies from a home server,
        #  un-comment the following line, and the 'detail post_proxy_log'
        #  section, above.
#       post_proxy_log

#       attr_rewrite

        #  Uncomment the following line if you want to filter replies from
        #  remote proxies based on the rules defined in the 'attrs' file.

#       attr_filter

        #  If you are proxying LEAP, you MUST configure the EAP
        #  module, and you MUST list it here, in the post-proxy
        #  stage.
        #  You MUST also use the 'nostrip' option in the 'realm'
        #  configuration.  Otherwise, the User-Name attribute
        #  in the proxied request will not match the user name
        #  hidden inside of the EAP packet, and the end server will
        #  reject the EAP request.
#       eap
        Fall-Through = 1

DEFAULT Service-Type == Framed-User
        Framed-IP-Address =,
        Framed-MTU = 576,
        Service-Type = Framed-User,
        Fall-Through = Yes

DEFAULT Framed-Protocol == PPP
        Framed-Protocol = PPP,
        Framed-Compression = Van-Jacobson-TCP-IP

        Framed-Protocol = SLIP,
        Framed-Compression = Van-Jacobson-TCP-IP

        Framed-Protocol = SLIP

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