Hi Julius Igugu,

I think you've pointed me in the right direction. I'm going to buy a Linksys WRT54G router, run OpenWRT on it, and then load chillispot onto it to act as a captive portal.. and then redirect authentication to my radius server.


On 20-Feb-05, at 10:05 AM, Julius Igugu wrote:

Take a look at chillispot (http://www.chillispot.org/).
You could have both the captive portal and radius server on the same machine if you like!
So you'd have:
Wireless laptops -> access point --> (radius + chillispot (or nocat)) --> internet
Yu-Jia Zhu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Thx for the fast reply.

Yeah I've checked out NoCat.. But doesn't this system require an
additional computer?
The setup would be like this:

Wireless laptops --> access point --> nocatauth gateway --> nocatauth
authorization server (or radius server)

I want my setup to be like this:
Wireless laptops -> access point --> radius

Should I be pointing the access points to the linux box as a DHCP

I know that moonwall is similar product to nocat.. but I think that it
is designed to be running on a separate machine as well..


On 19-Feb-05, at 7:31 PM, Alan DeKok wrote:

> Yu-Jia Zhu wrote:
>> I am now trying to take this server to the next level and try and get
>> it working so that we can use it for wifi authentication.
>> I've been googling around and have found some solutions, including
>> using EAP authentication (laptops connected wirelessly to access
>> points).. but it seems like all of these solutions need additional
>> software to be running on the laptop.
> Not if they're running Windows. They can use 802.1x
>> What I am trying to do is have get full-fledged wireless
>> authentication, on any laptop, just by being in the vicinity of the
>> access points. We haven't bought our access points yet, but figure
>> need something that allows 802.1x authentication (currently looking at
>> some US Robotics models).
> I don't have strong opinions one way or the other.
>> As an example, the local public libraries offer free wifi where I
>> live.
>> You just simply stroll in, open your laptop, and start up your web
>> browser. A captive portal redirects your browser to a login screen
>> with
>> some info/links (walled garden?).. and if you login with a correct
>> library card # and password, you are granted full access to the
>> internet.
> That doesn't use RADIUS. Or, at least, the AP's don't talk RADIUS.
>> This is basically what I am trying to do. I know of captive portal
>> software, but it seems like they're very costly and you require an
>> additional computer between the access point and the RADIUS server.. I
>> would like everything to be comprised of just roaming laptops, access
>> points, and my central linux server. Any ideas??
> http://nocat.net/
> Free captive portal software.
> Alan DeKOk.
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Julius Igugu
SouthWork Co. Ltd.

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