Hi Everyone,

I am installing FreeRADIUS for the very first time (the plug on the 
website looked good heh) and have run into a problem that i couldn't 
find an answer for over the last 3 days.  Hoping someone can help me 
out here...

During the ./configure for FreeRADIUS 1.0.1, i got the following 
errors during module config:

checking for openssl/ssl/h...yes
checking for DH_new in -lcrypto...yes
checking for SSL_new in -lssl...no
checking for openssl/err.h...(cached) yes
checking for openssl/engine.h...(cached) yes
configure: warning: silently not building rlm_eap_tls.
configure: warning: FAILURE: rlm_eap_sim requires: libssl.

It fails for all the modules, i.e. rlm_eap_tls, rlm_eap_peap, 
rlm_eap_sim, etc.

All the .h files, i.e. err.h, crypto.h, rand.h and engine.h are found 

in the earlier part of the configure, OpenSSL version listed as 0.9.7 
and DH_new is detected.

Also, locate libssl shows the following:

I am running Mandrake10.1 with openssl0.9.7e tarball-extracted to 

The command used to compile openssl was (entered in a single line):
./config --prefix=/usr/local/openssl --openssldir=/usr/local/openssl 

The command used to compile freeradius was (entered in a single 
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/radius --with-openssl-
includes=/usr/local/openssl/include/ --with-openssl-
libraries=/usr/local/openssl/lib/ --disable-shared

The error is coming from the "SSL_new in -lssl" not being detected.  
However, i have expressly pointed to the openssl/lib path as shown 
above under the freeradius configure so i do not know why it isn't 
being picked up.

Could anyone tell me why and how to resolve this? I have spent the 
last 3 days looking at docs, FAQs, the FR archives and Googling for 
the answers to no avail. 

Closest i got was the post from Tom Rixon ( 
users/2004/03/frm00022.html ) but it only answered his problem on the 

.h side and not the "SSL_new in -lssl...no" part (or maybe i  have 
overlooked the answer hidden inside the thread :P)

Thanks in advance for any assistance rendered!  I am at a dead end 
here and need some fresh perspective... :(

Thanks for your help!


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