On Fri, 2005-03-04 at 06:35, Roger PeÃa Escobio wrote:
> Mensaje citado por Alan DeKok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Nick Bright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I'm having trouble coming up with anything on google about this. Does it
> > > help to say that the passwords stored in /etc/shadow appear to be
> > > MD5Crypt passwords? They all start with $1$ . . .
> >
> >   Then using those passwords in Crypt-Password should work.
> and Auth-Type := PAP , that one solve the problem that we had when we migrate 
> from 0.9.3
> to 1.0.x ( Local insted of PAP didn't works)

Great! By changing Auth-Type to PAP in radcheckgroup, I was able to copy
and paste the MD5Crypt password from /etc/shadow to the Crypt-Password
field in the database!

For the sake of mailing list indexes, I will sum up what I had to do to
get MD5-Crypt passwords from /etc/shadow to work with FreeRADIUS +

1) Set up everything as normal to work with clear-text passwords
2) Add another group to radcheckgroup with Auth-Type := PAP
3) Add users to radcheck with Attribute Crypt-Password := <value copied
from /etc/shadow>

Note: I did *not* have to make *any* changes to radiusd.conf to make
this work.

While this presents a few minor logistical problems for my application,
I feel that I can work around them. This application of FreeRADIUS +
MySQL + MD5 Crypt passwords should be handy for anyone that needs to
migrate from passwd authorization to mysql authorization, or in a
situation like mine - a user list with only encrypted passwords.

Thanks for your help yesterday Alan, and thanks for the tip-off to
Auth-Type := PAP Roger; I appreciate your help guys :)

> cu
> roger
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Nodo central de la red Infomed                 (http://www.sld.cu)
> Usuario linux: 97152                           (http://counter.li.org)
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> "Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important
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>                        Gandhi
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- Nick Bright
  Terraworld, Inc
  888-332-1616 x315

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