> here is another suggestion:
> dont use ippools on radius, use it on the nacs. Then you let the
radius decide wich ippool to use on the nac by name.
> The bad thing is you have to care about pools on nacs, the good one is
you haven't to care about pool snyc.

That is an excellent suggestion, unfortunately (I should have mentioned
this earlier) the sites that will require authentication to our DSL
service will be geographically dispersed and yet will share the same
pools, so more than one router will be involved.  Radius will have to
control the IP Pools (as it should).  I will start by setting up the
architecture as described in my ascii diagram below (hopefully my
exchange server won't convert it to html :)

Cisco DSL
  Router  ..................................
    |                                      .
    |                                      .
    V                                      V
Radius 1                               Radius 2
(Primary)                             (Secondary)
    |                                      |
    V                                      V
Local Mysql Db 1 <- replication -> Local Mysql Db 2

Once I have got this working I will investigate how to use rlm_sqlippool
to dynamically allocate Ips in SQL as previously mentioned by Alan.

I think this is the right path to go down, doubtless I will have more
questions as I go, your feedback is welcome.


Christopher Howarth RHCE
Network & Systems Development Consultant
Equinox Converged Solutions 

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