Thomas Boutell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My goal, ultimately, is to try to authorize users in both a local Samba PDC
> (with an LDAP back end) and in another NT domain, WITHOUT forcing
> the use of a domain name in the user name. For various reasons we (or
> our readers) need to have two separate domains on the back end, but are 
> trying to move away from forcing users to be aware of them. When people dial 
> into the VPN we want them to be able to authorize with just their username
> and their password, no domain name.
> (Yes, of course, we're aware of the possibility of name conflicts.)

  i.e. check in one domain, and if that fails, use another.

> Now users are coming in with mschap2, so we pretty much need to use winbind
> and/or radius proxies for authenticating users in either domain. And
> we can do it -- for one or the other but not both. We have no trouble
> authenticating users on the Samba PDC with ldap-plus-winbind and
> we have no trouble authenticating users on the Windows domain
> with an IAS radius proxy. But we can't do both. A "user does not exist"
> response from either ends the whole ballgame.

  Pretty much.

> But today I read this message from Alan DeKok:
> Which says you can't proxy twice. And it sounds like you can't even
> try proxy when local gives a particular response or vice versa.

  You can, but it's not generally recommended.
> I have three questions:
> 1. Is this still the state of affairs? configurable_failover
> makes it possible to try a different LOCAL method (for instance,
> ldap after winbind) when the first method responds that the
> user does not exist (not the same thing as failing), but
> you can't do that with proxies?

  Pretty much.  There are ways of getting around it, but some involve
minor source code hacks.

  You can always have a shell script do the authentication for you.
It can run ntlm_auth, and if that returns "notfound", it can then run
"radclient" to send the request to another RADIUS server.  It's ugly,
but it will work.

> 2. Is this true even if the two methods I want to try are
> a proxy and a local method? Is it still true if I don't mind
> trying the local method first? I had hoped that might do the
> job, but no luck so far.

  The server treats proxying as "special".  That may not have been the
best choice.  In the future, we may want to have an "rlm_proxy" module
for authentication, in which case configurable failover will just work
for proxying.

> 3. If I'm stuck on both counts, can the "ldap" authentication
> module be convinced to do mschap2 authentication somehow without
> winbind?


  Alan DeKok.

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