Date: Mon, 23 May 2005 17:44:33 +0200
From: Alex Moreno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Kick users offline

I do it using the Time-Out=3D<time> variable. Read the documentation for
more information.

On 5/23/05, Svetlana Vyslanko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I want to kick users offline if they are over their time limit. Can I do
it using FreeRADIUS?

In documentation I read:

" Login-Time defines the time span a user may login to the system.
  After that a range of hours follows in hhmm-hhmm format.

  For example, "Wk2305-0855,Sa,Su2305-1655".

  Radiusd calculates the number of seconds left in the time span, and
  sets the Session-Timeout to that number of seconds. So if someones
  Login-Time is "Al0800-1800" and she logs in at 17:30, Session-Timeout
  is set to 1800 seconds so that she is kicked off at 18:00."

and I set Session-Timeout ( radtest shows it ) but current session doesn't kick off. It works on authorization step but doesn't kick online user.

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