Miguel Sennoun wrote:
I wonder if there is a way to treat freeradius logs with the syslog deamon
(or syslog-ng).

Yes, we do it here...syslog/syslog-ng either works fine.

I tried the option "-l syslog" but It appears it doesn't works fine.

Set "log_destination = syslog" and

log {
        syslog_facility = daemon

in your radiusd.conf. That will get your authentication/authorization logs going to syslog under the "daemon" facility. This is all in the documentation, BTW.

If you search the list archives, you'll see where Alan kindly pointed out to me where to make some modifications so accounting info could be syslog'd as well - I have not had time to do it yet.


/ Craig Huckabee        |          e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] /
/ Code 715-CH           |           phone: (843) 218 5653       /
/ SPAWAR Systems Center | close proximity: "Hey You!"           /
/ Charleston, SC        |            ICBM:  32.78N, 79.93W      /

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