> What did you set your max_requests, start_servers and max_servers to?

  With only 1500 users, the defaults should be OK.

> > My client was the limiting factor though, I couldn't max out the CPU of 
> > the RADIUS server.
> at least 700, if a server goes down, the other must take over. Or if we 
> have to do a emergency reboot. 
> It should handle at least that many.

  700 requests/s?  I don't think that's necessary.  With only 1500
users, even 300-400/s would be sufficient.

  The server can do that on pretty much any hardware.  If you're
seeing problems, it's most likely because the database is slow.

  Can you describe *exactly* what problemns you're seeing?  Saying the
server is slow is a start, but isn't enough to really know what's
going on.

> I will try some more tweaking, but I would like to have a test tool first.
> So I could see the differences.

  radclient.  It will send as many requests as you want, as fast as
you want.

> So did I, but it ended up with the "test machine" taking up 100% cpu and 
> not beeing able to authenticate more than 20 pr. sec.

  I don't see why.  radclient can send as many RADIUS packets as you
want as fast as you want.  External scripts aren't necessary.

  Alan DeKok.

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