Thanks for your help and again I apologize for my freeradius/linux

I tried to implement rlm_expiration

insert into radcheck 
(username, attribute, op, value) 
values ('testUser','Expiration',':=','25 May 2006 15:31')

But my nas is not picking up a session time-out based on this (the
rlm_expiration doc is leading me to believe it should do this)

>From rlm_expiration doc:

Expiration attribute format:

You can use Expiration := "23 Sep 2004" and the user will 
no longer be able to connect at 00:00 (midnight) on September 23rd, 
2004.  If you want a certain time (other than midnight) you can do 
use  Expiration := "23 Sep 2004 12:00".
The nas will receive a Session-Timeout attribute calculated to kick
the user off when the Expiration time occurs.

Then I thought maybe I don't have the rlm_expiration module installed.

When I configured the freeradius install I used --with-experimental-modules.

So, I checked out what rlm*.so modules are in

rlm_expiration is not there

is this my problem?

If so, how do I specify which modules to install when executing the
./configure command?


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Alan
Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2005 7:17 PM
To: FreeRadius users mailing list
Subject: Re: newbie questions using freeradius as wifi access point 

"Will Carter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The Max-All-Session attribute is working great if I want to allow a user
> buy a block of time and they can use it in increments. But say I want a
> to be able to buy a block of time that will expire at a certain time
> regardless of how long they spend online during that time.
> Can you give me an idea of the direction I should go to accomplish this?

  Login-Time, or Expiration.  See the README's.

  Alan DeKok
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