Hi everyone,

I installed latest freeradius cvs-snapshot freeradius-snapshot-20051130 on
Debian Linux 10 vs Oracle db 10 and Oracle Internet Directory (LDAP) 10. I
have about 30 clients in clients.conf and about 30 connections in a second,
including accounting requests. I have 8G RAM on server and freeradius daemon
takes away all free memory within two day! "max_requests_per_server = 300"
option did not help.

I use following modules in my radiusd.conf:
acct_unique, attr_rewrite, chap, checkval, detail, dictionary, expiration,
files, ldap, logintime, mschap, pap, preprocess, sql, sql_oracle,

I understand, what the information has not enough, but somebody can will
prompt, what module most likely uses for itself all memory?

Excuse for my English.

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