I have implemented this exact solution with a Polish application (I'm based
in Poland).  And it worked.  Although mine was using mysql for the user
storage, but ldap was also an option.

Mine runs with a Java application on the mobile phone, which I've set to
allow 60 second timings for the password validity.

The application that is providing the one-time password functionality should
integrate with the radius server without any major config changes.

You fail to mention the application your trying to use?

Ian Walker

On 09/12/06, Peter Urban <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi there,

i am trying to setup a time based one time password with the freeradius.
challange response !!)

i have a mobile phone that produces a token.
the token is a md5-hash of a shared-secret and the actual time in ms.

now i want to configure the freeradius server the following way:

the user has to enter his uername and the produced token from the mobile
this information is sent to the freeradius-server.
the server is connected to a ldap-database and looks up if the user
if the user exists, he gets the shared-secret from the ldap.

now the freeradius has to calculate some tokens (cause time on server and
mobile are not the same). md5 of the shared secret from the user from ldap
and actual time.

after that he has to compare the calculated tokens with the token that was
provided by the user.

on positiv matches the user is authenticated.

Can it be implemented? Is there literature that I need to have a look at?
Is there already a plugin that supports time based one time passwords?

Can anyone help me with setting up this scenario???

best regards
peter urban

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