Thanks for the wealth of info guys :)

On 7/16/07, Hugh Messenger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Peter Nixon said:
> > Yep. The problem I have with this change though is that what are the other
> > vendor disconnect keys? If you read the RFC it doesn't specify a specific
> > key (Alan has been holding ongoing discussions about this on the ietf-
> > radext
> > list), just that there should be enough info to identify the correct
> > session. As Cisco also uses it (and Juniper from AFAIK)
> > XAscendSessionSvrKey
> > has become a de-facto standard along with MS-Primary-DNS-Server and its
> > ilk.
> > Given that it is possible to send and have work a Disconnect-Request
> > containing only a User-Name and there is no-where specified that there
> > should be an individual session key I am not sure its worth changing
> > unless
> > someone can come up with a concrete example of a vendor who uses a session
> > key thats different.... Is there?
> I don't know of any, but as more gear starts to support PoD / CoA /
> Disconnect-Message / whatever, I'm sure they'll crop up.  Mark my words, the
> Atlanta Scientific Tanning Salons and Wireless Switches latest model
> TanNSurf-5000 will implement TanNSurf-Disconnect-Key at some point.
> I guess I just don't like contributing to the de-facto
> standardizationificationism of vendor specific attributes.  And besides
> which, XAscendSessionSvrKey is a biatch to type.  :)
> Your call.  You (one of) Da Man.
> > Peter Nixon
>    -- hugh
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