GNULinuxSlackware wrote:
> There is a radius database with a lot of tables :
> -radgroupreply
> I can insert into the
>  'Idle-Timeout' argument.

  Do you know what that does?

> -radacct
> I can read the 'Acct-Session-Time' argument which give me the session
> time for each user who is logged out.

  Yes.  And this has little or nothing to do with Idle-Timeout.

> How to update automatically the 'Acct-Session-Time' argument when
> there is an 'Idle-Timeout'?

  That question makes no sense.

  What do you think Idle-Timeout means?  What do you think it does?

  What do you think Acct-Session-Timeout means?  What do you think it does?

  Alan DeKok.
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