>'Idle-Timeout' timeout is an argument in Radius. Chillispot use this
>radius argument.


>I think freeradius configuration can update automatically the
>Acct-Session-Time argument if it see a user is IDLE.
>What do you think about this?

No. Chillispot does the accounting and sends data to freeradius. Radius
server has no idea about whether the user is connected or not. It is up
to the NAS to send that information to it. If Chillispot disconnects the
user and doesn't send accounting Stop packet to freeradius the session
in radius database will remain open. As far as I can see that's how you
set up the Chillispot - disconnect the session only on clicking the
logout link. Set up Chillispot properly.

Ivan Kalik
Kalik Informatika ISP

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