Hello Alan,

I started from that by adding my own ippool to radiusd.conf after
main_pool (line 1800, ippool test_pool {...). I understood from your
reply, that I need to call it from sites-available/default and added
"test_pool" right after main_pool in sites-available/default (in
sections accounting and post-auth, as specified in radiusd.conf), but
when starting the deamon I got:

/usr/local/etc/raddb/radiusd.conf[1800]: Invalid version in module
/usr/local/etc/raddb/sites-enabled/default[308]: Failed to find module
/usr/local/etc/raddb/sites-enabled/default[285]: Errors parsing
accounting section.

That mades me think I need to move the pool there either, sorry.
Kind Regards,


-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Alan DeKok
Sent: Dienstag, 1. April 2008 07:46
To: FreeRadius users mailing list
Subject: Re: Ascend-Data-Filter with srcip from ippool

Andreas Kalb (akalb) wrote:
> I'm unfortunately still not getting it to work anymore after upgrade
to 2.0.3.
> I added the following to sites-available/default at top of document:
> server bb-10k {

  I'm not sure why.  As the documentation suggests, starting with the
default configuration is the best idea.

>   accounting {
> ...
>   post-auth {

  And no "authorize" or "authenticate" section.

>   ippool test_pool {
>     range-start =

  Module configurations belong in the "modules" section of radiusd.conf.
 They do NOT go in a server section.

> and then get:
> /usr/local/etc/raddb/sites-enabled/default[70]: Failed to find module
> /usr/local/etc/raddb/sites-enabled/default[66]: Errors parsing
accounting section. 
> So now I wonder how to specify the ippool section there.

  You don't.

  Again, start with the default configuration.  Add ONE module:
test_pool.  Configure it, and get it to assign IP addresses.  Then, once
that works, configure the ascend filter attributes AFTER the "test_pool"
module has been run in the "post-auth" section.

  Alan DeKok.
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