Alan DeKok wrote:
Phil Mayers wrote:
We've recently moved our servers to FreeRadius 2, and we've been having
reports of some problems with our wireless service.
...specifically, it seems that the xlat of this string is treating
embedded "\" as escape characters.

  That needs to be fixed.  I'll take a look next week, as I'm away at a
conference right now.

I'm also seeing this problem with rlm_sql_log and rlm_sqlippool it seems, though I'm amazed I haven't seen it before.

I've had a dig in the guts of radius_xlat (yikes, complex) and done some testing with "user\random" e.g.:

update reply {
  # works
  My-Attr-1 = "%{User-Name}"

  # works
  My-Attr-1 = "%u"

  # works
  My-Attr-1 = "%{Stripped-User-Name:-%{User-Name:-none}}"

  # fails, "user\random" turns to "user<cr>andom"
  My-Attr-1 = "%{SQL-User-Name}"
} I think this means the issue must be in lib/valuepair.c, specifically the "pairparsevalue" function (called from pairmake, called from sql_set_user)?

Similarly I presume setting the "User-Name" in the reply items from unlang calls pairmake and the same code path.

I'm not sure what the best way to proceed with regards fixing it - most of the ideas I had were hacks. If you have any pointers I'm happy to take a look.

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