Alexandre Chapellon wrote:
> Is it possible to use the same sqlippool database for different
> freeradius servers that belong to a "cluster?

  Yes.  Just create an SQL cluster, and point the servers at the cluster.

> Is there drawback, doing this?

  It will be slower, and database replication may not happen quickly.

> Is there any chance to acheive consistante ip allocation in a cluster of
> several freeradius using non sql ippool module?

  The servers will have to communicate with each other before handing
out IP addresses.

  Or, split up the IP pool ranges so that each server has their "own"
range that they prefer.  i.e. server 1 allocates from pool 1, and then
pool 2 if pool 1 is full.  Server 2 allocates from pool 2, and then pool
1 if pool 2 is full.

  There are other, more complicated ways of doing the same thing.

  Alan DeKok.
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