I'm trying to use the version of FreeRadius built into OS X for wireless single sign-on and I'm running into some issues. I believe this has come up before and I found the following thread http://lists.freeradius.org/mailman/htdig/freeradius-users/2008-September/msg00028.html . I've tried to follow what was suggested there but it doesn't seem to be working. Can someone provide some slightly more thorough instructions of what I should be attempting?

Authentication works perfectly for our Macintosh systems and any Windows machine if we don't send a domain for authentication but not when the domain is included. I can authenticate if I add DOMAIN \username as a username for one of the accounts but that's not a "clean" option as far as I'm concerned. No matter what I try with proxies, nthack, etc. I can't seem to get authentication to work for Windows machines.

Kerry Tobin

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