Anatoly S. Zimin wrote:
> Hi!
>> Anders Holm wrote:
>>> Thanks Anatoly. Hopefully Alan will pick this up....
>>   Feel free to fix the patch so:
>> 1) It doesn't patch "configure"
> why?

  "configure" is an auto-generated file.  Like a ".o" file.  It will
change every time it's re-generated.

>> 2) It doesn't break builds for for non-GCC compilers
> Yes.
>> 3) It doesn't break builds for non-Solaris systems.
> Yes.
>>   In case no one noticed, FreeRADIUS builds with non-GCC compilers, and
>> on non-Solaris systems.  Patches that "fix" it on one platform, and
>> break it on every *other* platform are not acceptable.
> Yes.
>>   Alan DeKok.
> Of course this patch _ONLY_ for Solaris OS and only for gcc compiler.
> But this is solution.

  The server isn't a collection of random patches for different systems.
 Asking someone to track this patch *manually* is not a good engineering

  I'm willing to integrate the changes into the server source control.
That *is* the best place for them.  However, the changes have to be
updated to fix the above problems.  Otherwise, they:

 a) have to tracked manually on a Wiki somewhere


 b) they will break builds on every non-GCC and non-Solaris system.

  Alan DeKok.
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