I looked at the permissions but everything looks ok, so still not sure why the -x and -xx options are not working, but that's not my main problem. I did notice one strange thing in the log shortly before one of the segmentation faults. Not sure if its related but perhaps someone here can shed some light:

radiusd(32122,0xa0479720) malloc: *** error for object 0x1d3610: incorrect checksum for freed object - object was probably modified after being freed.
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug



On Mar 18, 2009, at 1:21 PM, Alan DeKok wrote:

Randall Newman wrote:
For the most part it works fine. Our clients are authenticated without any problems, but fairly frequently i'm getting segmentation faults and
it quits. Apple support has been no help (not surprising). Also, i've
been running FR in debug mode and noticed that I can start it with
radiusd -X but using -x or -xx doesn't work. I'm quite new to Radius and
may be overlooking something obvious. Any help would be appreciated.

 Check the file permissions on the configuration directories.  The
command-line option "-X" means "run as whoever started the server",
usually root.

 "-x" means "print more debugging output", but it can still change
uid's.  See radiusd.conf for details.

 You may also try upgrading to a recent version of the server.  It
works on Mac OS X, among many other platforms.

 Alan DeKok.
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