Hello all!

On Fri, 5 Jun 2009, Tim Sylvester wrote:
You should use the latest version of FreeRADIUS...

Not picking on Tim or freeradius in particular, but when I post to various lists looking for advice on various pieces of software, I often run into the advice to upgrade to the latest version, instead of sticking with the default version that comes with CentOS. It makes sense. Sometimes the desired feature or solution to a bug is in the newer version.

BUT I have a question then: As per the FAQ's, if there is a critical bug in my CentOS version of software, it will still be patched ('back ported'), and it will get automatically updated by running the 'yum update' function. So, if I manually upgrade to the latest (just for example) freeradius, then will yum continue to update this new software with patches and bug fixes? My first feeling is that the answer is 'no' - once I install the new version I will thereafter be responsible for manually keeping 'watch' for bug fixes and updates.

So unless I'm wrong, and yum can/will track updates on a new version of software, then it makes more sense to stay with the 'supported' version, even if it is a bit (or very) old. Yes? No?

Thanks as always.

- Charles
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