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On 24/08/2009 13:56, Alan DeKok wrote:
> Arran Cudbard-Bell wrote:
>> No, that'll get you the timestamp of when the packet was read back into the 
>> server. The only way to calculate the original received timestamp is to 
>> write the original Acct-Delay-Time into a custom
>> attribute (say Acct-Delay-Time-Orig), subtract that from the current 
>> Acct-Delay-Time, then that from the current UNIX timestamp.
>   The detail file reader creates/updates the Acct-Delay-Time based on
> how long the packet has been sitting in the "detail" file.  There's no
> need to update it manually.

I wasn't suggesting that. I was suggesting a way of getting the 
Packet-Original-Timestamp is a usable form.

>> Yeah it's a pretty common setup, we do it too. One thing you have to watch 
>> out for is  packets with fatal errors. Where the remote accounting server 
>> never acknowledged receipt of the packet, so it
>> gets stuck in an infinite loop in the proxying queue.
>> I haven't figured out how to solve this properly with the current setup, so 
>> it'd be good to see some discussion on list about it.
>   Hmm... it should continue sending a packet from the detail file until
> the upstream server has responded.  It shouldn't write packets to the
> detail file if they've been read from the detail file.

It doesn't. But they're only removed from the detail file if the server 
actually responded. Some usernames are permenantly unroutable for accounting 
requests. i.e. their home accounting server just
doesn't accept the Accounting-Requests and never send Accounting-Responses.

Ideally there'd be a mechanism to remove Accounting-Requests after X number of 
attempts at proxying. At the moment were using a request expiry time based on 
the length of the period between the
request being received and it being proxied.

i.e 'This request has been in the Queue for X seconds, X seconds is longer than 
our expiry time, remove packet from queue'

This is a *horrible horrible* hacky work around, because if a bunch of requests 
are received around the same time, and one is 'unroutable' then all the packets 
received around that time will be dropped.

If you don't do this, then the unproxyable packet stays at the head of the 
queue and blocks all the requests behind it.

- -- 
Arran Cudbard-Bell <a.cudbard-b...@sussex.ac.uk>,
Systems Administrator (AAA),
Infrastructure Services (IT Services),
E1-1-08, Engineering 1, University Of Sussex, Brighton, BN1 9QT
DDI+FAX: +44 1273 873900 | INT: 3900
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