Hi again all :)
Patric wrote:
Alan DeKok wrote:
Patric wrote:
Is there any way for me to get my FreeRADIUS-Acct-Session-Start-Time
attribute value into that date format?
So now I have the following:
STR_TO_DATE('%{FreeRADIUS-Acct-Session-Start-Time}', '%M %d %Y %H:%i:%s'))
And that converts "Dec 8 2009 09:14:14 GMT" into "2009-12-08 09:14:14"
I have a curious problem trying to format the date field in my MySQL
statement as shown above.
In my sql/mysql/dialup.conf I have the following:
accounting_start_query_alt = "UPDATE ${acct_table_new} \
acct_start_time = STR_TO_DATE('%{FreeRADIUS-Acct-Session-Start-Time}',
'%M %d %Y %H:%i:%s'), \
The problem with the above is that some of those formatting options ('%M
%d %Y %H:%i:%s') are also defined as one-character variables, so instead
of formatting the date with those options, its replacing each with the
variable value, and when Im trying to end up with:
2009-12-08 09:14:14
instead Im ending up with:
2009-12-09 11:0126538264:AutoShapedVC
As you can see the minutes were replaced with the Calling Station ID and
the seconds were replaced with the Connect-Info...
Is there any way for me to perhaps escape my format string, or some
other work-around?
Many thanks
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