I've put a debugging tool online at:


  Click on the "debug tool" link on the left, under "News".  The page
contains instructions for how to get debug output into the form.

  The main purpose of the tool is to teach people what is important in
the debug output, and what can be safely ignored.  Important data is
highlighted (red, yellow, blue), and less important data is
de-emphasized (text is light grey).

  Each packet received / sent is put into its own text box.  This
separation allows you to quickly find the output for just one packet out
of many.

  The tool is in "beta", and likely produces less useful output when the
server is proxying packets.  It's best used to debug local
authentication issues.

  We hope you find the web tool useful.  Please send any feedback
privately to me.

  Alan DeKok.
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