Alexander Clouter wrote:
> Yeah yeah...however as you are not ACK'ing my gtc/ldap patches it's 
> hardly a motivator to contribute :-/ *sigh*

  I've looked at them.  Now that 2.1.x is "stable", I am less worried
about pulling them into a 2.2.x branch.

  i.e. they should be applied in the coming weeks, along with a lot of
other patches.

> ...alternatively we create a FreeRADIUS debug equilivent to the kernels
> '' which would be better still I would argue.  Then no need 
> to worry about privacy of the spiel outputed, plus we *all* can then add 
> extra clauses/checks ourselves as we find them.


> This means the checking tool comes with FreeRADIUS.  It can also gives 
> the users something to paste to the mailing list incase of problems 
> (although it probably be less useful than the raw '-X' output, and if 
> they are including anything they might aswell give us the full spiel).

  Yes.  And the tool could *also* take care of running the server in
debugging mode, and doing a bunch of sanity checks.

> I was not really thinking past the common ones, however thinking about 
> things more so, I actually prefer the approach, then 
> we can all contribute and fix things :)

  Sure.  That's a lot easier to integrate than server patches.

  Alan DeKok.
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