On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 01:51:44PM -0700, sbchem wrote:
> our internal listserv on radius frequently talks people off of freeradius
> solely because of the sarcastic and chip on the shoulder attitude of
> "some" of the developers.  Quit being such a Mordac Alan, it scares the
> tourists and devalues the otherwise excellent work done by other people on
> this project.

Actually Alan is doing practically all the work. This is a known feature
of many open-source projects - there is no separation between support people
and programming people, nor an accompanying distinction in the default

The solution is to treat such projects, including FreeRADIUS, accordingly -
this forum is not what you might call a first-level helpdesk venue - it is
instead a venue where the user can be expected a lot from, including both
a technical proficiency and an ability to take heat for lack thereof.

I know that doesn't sound optimal, nor does it fit in with how the rest of
the world commonly operates, but that's how it is.

On a completely separate note, I think that it would be best if Alan
sometimes tried to ignore some of the fuzzier user queries and left that
to others, even at the cost of the request looking like it was ignored.
It's better to concentrate on more important things. Alan, please
consider that :)

At the same time, there's a distinct possibility that the
fuzzy-question-asking user will get more time to try other venues of problem
investigation other than waiting to be helped (even hand-held) by a helpful
person on the mailing list. Not everyone exhausts all other venues before
asking; often people try some poor man's debugging method just once or twice
and after failing immediately ask a new question on a forum, not even trying
to e.g. google a few times for similar questions and answers.

Overall, I recommend an approach with a bit more lax latencies (less
pressure) in responding to *every* query, in the long run it will be better
for the stress level of everyone involved. :)

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