Josip Rodin wrote:
> The solution is to treat such projects, including FreeRADIUS, accordingly -
> this forum is not what you might call a first-level helpdesk venue - it is
> instead a venue where the user can be expected a lot from, including both
> a technical proficiency and an ability to take heat for lack thereof.

  Also, RADIUS is a *lot* more complicated than DNS and DHCP.  It takes
more effort to understand and configure.  This results in an increased
level of frustration for the new user, compare to DNS or DHCP.

> On a completely separate note, I think that it would be best if Alan
> sometimes tried to ignore some of the fuzzier user queries and left that
> to others, even at the cost of the request looking like it was ignored.
> It's better to concentrate on more important things. Alan, please
> consider that :)

  I've actually been doing that for a while now...

  I've been saying this for nearly 10 years now, and the proof is in
public list archives.  Nearly anyone who asks a good question and
provides the requested information can get their problem solved.  The
people who *argue* with the answers they receive get ignored, or get
told to stop being rude.

  This is (somehow) perceived as having a hostile list.  <sigh>

  Alan DeKok.
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