Brett Littrell wrote:
>     Hope this is not to stupid of a question but I have been checking
> out the inner-tunnel virtual server under sites-enabled.  I read up a
> little on virtual servers and it looks like the inner-tunnel virtual
> server is just a regular old virtual server


> yet in the comments is says
> it specifically handles inner tunnel requests.

  So?  Some families have two cars.  One for each of two adults.

>  I went through the
> default config for the inner-tunnel and did not see any commands that
> were un-commented that seemed to specify that the server exclusively
> dealt with inner-tunnel requests.

  It's *designed* work with inner-tunnel requests.  But see the file in
version 2.1.10: you can use it as a normal server for testing.

>  So my question is wether naming the
> server inner-tunnel causes it to exclusively handle inner-tunnel
> requests, in other word is inner-tunnel a hard coded name that has to be
> used for handling inner-tunnel requests?

  See eap.conf.  Look for "inner-tunnel"

  Alan DeKok.
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