On 05/11/2011 09:29 PM, Gary Gatten wrote:
PS: I apparently have to leave the “DEFAULT Auth-Type = ntlm_auth “  in
the users file or “nothing” works. FWIW I am exclusively using


There's no line like this in the default configs.

AD/ntlm_auth for all auth types, so hopefully this won’t matter? I did

Don't set Auth-Type unless you understand what you're doing and why you're doing it. You shouldn't need to, and it'll break things in subtle ways.

About the only real use-case for setting Auth-Type is forcing it to Accept (for pap/mac-auth style only), Reject, or some custom auth config, and then you need to be very careful.

find a Wiki article about updating the control such that if Auth-Type
doesn’t exist then set it to ntlm_auth. I have this in my 2.1.6
deployment, so may copy it over here as well. I’m trying to change as
little as possible from the default confs….

I don't see any "Auth-Type" lines in the default configs.
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