> Quick test shows this is working now.  Not tested enough yet to claim 
> victory, but I'm not scratching my head going WTF....  I VAGUELY recall 
> burning myself several years ago when I started playing with FR, hence why I 
> remembered it - finally!
> If I feel froggy I MAY tweak the source and submit a "patch" to ignore files 
> with any extension.  Of course some people may not like that...  Perhaps a 
> seting in radiusd.conf with file extensions to ignore; such as .bak, .org, 
> etc.  Anything in that list would be ignored...  I like that one, but since I 
> can't code worth a $hit it would take me a LONG time for this one.  Maybe I 
> can/will submit a feature request for such a thing...

there was similar discussion end of last year or so.....my view is that you
just make a new directory eg sites-old and dump the old configs or backups into
there...they wont get read then  :-)

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