Hi Alan,    thanks for the mail. This is what we read about 
request authenticationAccess-Request arrives  When the packet arrives 
at the FreeRADIUS server it is indicated by the following part:rad_recv: 
Access-Request packet from host port 48698, 
id=73, length=57
     User-Name = "alice"
     User-Password = "passme"
     NAS-IP-Address =
     NAS-Port = 100We see that the incoming request 
contains four AVPs.Although the AVP User-Password is shown here in 
clear text, it was not transmitted to the server in clear text. FreeRADIUS uses 
the shared secret to encrypt and decrypt the value of 
the User-Password AVP.   This is what I am looking for. 
What is the place where RADIUS does decrypt operation.
Thanks and Regards,

Vishal Kotalwar,


From: alan buxey <a.l.m.bu...@lboro.ac.uk>
Sent: Fri, 20 Apr 2012 16:50:14 
To: "vishal_n...@rediffmail.com" <vishal_n...@rediffmail.com>, FreeRadius 
users mailing list <freeradius-users@lists.freeradius.org>
Subject: Re: Help: PAP with Sha1

>        I tried changing few things in lib/radius.c to 
SHA1 but with no

>    success.

please post full putput form radiusd -X

regarding using SHA1 - easy, just ensure that your passwords are stored as SHA1

objects - the docs say how to do this


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