vishal_nitr wrote:
>    This is what I am looking for. What is the place where RADIUS does
> decrypt operation.

  You were told to NOT ask programming questions on this list.
>>        I tried changing few things in lib/radius.c to SHA1 but with no
>>    success.

  You clearly want to do programming.

  I've taken the liberty of unsubscribing you.  This list is NOT the
place to ask these questions.

  Your question is likely from a school course.  If so, do the work

  Or, your question is because of some commercial needs.  If so, pay
someone to do the work, or get someone competent to do it for you.

  This is the *FreeRADIUS* list.  You are not asking questions about
FreeRADIUS.  Therefore, your questions do not belong here.

  Alan DeKok.
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