Rampage wrote:
> Let's say i successfully managed to bind freeRADIUS to mysql, i can
> connect it and no errors are present, i created all proper tables, and
> database accounts to have freeRADIUS talk to mysql.
> the problem is.. ok but now, which informations do i put where?

  See doc/rlm_sql.

> i'd start from a simple example..
> let's say i have the user
> "testuser"
> "cleartext-password"
> :=
> "testpassword"
> if i add this values in the radcheck table, i can successfully
> authenticate testuser from my NAS.

  That's how it works.

> Now let's say i'd like to limit the user for using the service for only
> 1 hour a day.
> if i recall correctly there is a parameter that says:
> Max-Daily-Session := 3600 (seconds)
> but, where do i have to add this value? still to the radcheck? or
> radreply? or where else?

  In radcheck.

> i also noticed that the radacct table contains one account for each time
> i perform a login for the specific user, is it normal?

  That's what your NAS is telling it to do.  The NAS is sending an
accounting "start" for each login.  And probably no "stop"

> is there a table that contains usernames in a unique manner?

  Only if you create it.

> so that i
> can eventually link it to another table containing further informations
> about the user (name, surname etc?)

  Only if you create it.

  The default schema does what's needed for RADIUS.  It doesn't do
anything else.

> sorry if i ask here but really i couldn't understand this from the wiki :(

  It's good to ask *specific* questions.  Like " I read page X paragraph
Y, and didn't understand concept Z".  That lets us help you with the
details.  Saying "I didn't understand things" means our response is
"What part of the documentation is unclear?"

  Alan DeKok.

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