On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 5:08 AM, Rampage <atomikr...@email.it> wrote:

> acctstoptime seems to be the timestamp of when the NAS sends the stop, still
> the entry from the db is not deleted, so i have an entry for each session
> start,

That's the default setup.

Most people will need the historical accounting records for e.g.
calculating remaining usage for quota-based users, or simply for

> i'm worried that this might cause an infinite database grouth in the
> future when the service goes in production environment.

You need to maintain it :)

If you DON'T need accounting records, then either:
- don't use sql on accounting section, OR
- modify the queries (sql/mysql/dialup.conf) to do what you want (e.g.
delete the record on acct stop)

> the NAS is the PfSense captive portal, which afaik is a chillispot.

Chillispot should work fine. Depending on what you need, you might
want to turn on interim update (via Acct-Interim-Interval reply
attribute). Make sure it's larger than 60 seconds though, otherwise
chillispot will ignore it.

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