On 27/09/12 11:22, Arka Sharma wrote:

            I have a remote PPS server where I am proxying radius
requests coming from the NAS. I have a requirement like when that remote
PPS goes down(which I am simulating by setting a wrong ip in proxy.conf
realm configuration) then I have to perform a certain task in rlm

What task? Does it have to be in "rlm" code? Because "rlm" code only runs in response to packets, not server-down events.

code.But my observation is when I am setting a dummy ip for PPS, the
radius server running on my machine is marking that remote server as
zombie after 3 retries,now I want in this case that my rlm code to
execute and handle the scenario when remote server is down.Any help will
be highly appreciated.Also I may have used some naive terminology being
a newbie apologizing for that.

You've got a couple of options to respond to a down proxy.

1. In the "master" branch, there is support for "triggers" - see raddb/trigger.conf. This can execute a script when a home server goes down or up, and can obviously do anything you want

2. In all recent versions, you can use "radmin" from cron to poll home server status, and respond based on status change e.g.

radmin -n eduroam -e 'show home_server list'

...you can run this in a loop

It's possible you could do something in the "post-proxy" section like so:

post-proxy {
  Post-Proxy-Type Fail {

...but I think this only runs for *real* requests, not the internal server probes, so you'll need to inject frequent test requests using "radclient" or similar. You also don't know *which* home server failed, so will still need to use "radmin" in a script to find this out (maybe it would be useful for this to be a control attribute added to the failing request).
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