
I have freeradius (2.2.0) using ldap as backend for user information. This radius server is used by different applications to authenticate and authorize users. I want now to use different ldap filters for different applications.

In LDAP I'm using SCHAC schema and schacUserStatus is a multivalue attribute (in URN format) indicating services that the user has enabled or disabled in the way:

dn: uid=user,<basedn>
uid: user
schacUserStatus: <urn prefix>:dovecot:enabled
schacUserStatus: <urn prefix>:eduroam:enabled
schacUserStatus: <urn prefix>:vpn:disabled

        What I want is to define ldap filter as:

ldap  {
  filter = "(&(mail=%{User-Name})(schacUserStatus=<urn prefix>:

where "X-Atica-Service" is a private attribute (of type string) I have defined in dictionary, and this attribute is defined in users file for the each with something like:

DEFAULT X-Actica-Service = 'vpn', Auth-Type = LDAP, Realm == um.es
        User-Name := `%{User-Name}`,
        Fall-Through = No

        But this does not work.

As I have a virtual server for each service radius is authenticating I don't mind defining this attribute in virtual server configuration. What I want to avoid is to define different ldap modules differing just the filter.

        Any idea?

Angel L. Mateo Martínez
Sección de Telemática
Área de Tecnologías de la Información
y las Comunicaciones Aplicadas (ATICA)
Tfo: 868889150
Fax: 868888337
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