Hello FreeRDP community,

I am tracing and testing the remotefx with xfreerdp,    

In the  rfx_process_message(), I mark these 2 line ==>

   case WBT_REGION:
    //rfx_process_message_region(context, message, s);

    //rfx_process_message_tileset(context, message, s);
so the tiles won't be decode out, and then I  mark the
XCreateImage, XPutImage, XCopyArea, gdi_InvalidateRegion, and XSetClipMask 
functions in the   xf_gdi_surface_bits(...)
so the system should not have any tiles output to display, 
There is really most tiles are not display out, 

But, I found that there are still "some" updated icons, changed borders and 
some changed chars will display out.
I can't find which function draw these border, icons, and chars. 
I have tried all the xf_gdi_register_update_callbacks() and many other probably 
functions, but still cant find it. 

Can anyone plz help me or give me a clue to find the drawing function ?  

Thanks and Regards

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