
i'm currently looking for tools that can help us monitor the end user 
experience of one RDS solution.

Besides a few proprietary solution, I'm studying the possibility to extend 
freerdp to make it scriptable.

what we need is:
- gather some timing during the session into a separate file descriptor during 
the client run
- tcp connection openned: x ms
- session negociation: x ms
- login accepted: x ms
- desktop fully displayed: x ms
- logoff done: x ms

and also possibly simulate mouse click to, ex, open word, type some sentence 
and then save the file. mesuring delay between display refresh rate

I know there is multiple issue here.
- remote desktop refresh rate is not necessarily the same as "how well the user 
experience is", but it should be a good indicator.
- since this is one graphical env. i don't know if it's even possible to mesure 
something between one "request" in the gui (eg: click somewhere) and the 
"response" (eg: one windows 
- and probably a toon of other issues i don't think of because i don't know 
well the internal of RDP.

but, what do you think ? is that theoriticaly possible ? how much effort should 
be put on this ? or better is there previous attempt at doing this ?

i'm remembering the good old x3270 package wich provides one scriptable version 
(s3270) of the terminal that allowed to do wonderfull thinks in the past. but 
that was in the 
text-era ...


Frédéric Beuserie
BU Infra / Technical Manager
NSI IT Software & Services

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