Hi all.

First time poster to this mailing list so please be gentle. :-)

I'm having an issue that is oft mentioned in the GitHub issues tracker, the
local window manager and xfreerdp arguing about window positioning of
RemoteApp windows.  This results in some weird stuff like the remote window
not lining up with the local window (e.g. black area at the top of the
local window, bottom of remote window cut off) and strange Z ordering (e.g.
menus, dialogues, etc. behind the window that spawned them).

I'm not here to re-report a known issue, I'm really just wondering if
anyone is using RemoteApp with Ubuntu (default Unity/Compiz window manager)
and has come up with any workable workarounds?  Nothing is too hacky to be

On a different topic, does anyone know of a convenient way that a program
on the client end could communicate with a program at the server end
through the RDP connection?  I'm thinking about setting up a virtual serial
port to pass messages through but if there's already a simpler way that
I've missed, I'd love a pointer.

Thanks all.

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