I start Linux xfreerdp 1.1.0 with the +clipboard option, it seems to be enabling
the plugin, because is says this:

 loading channel cliprdr

But the clipboard feature mostly doesn't work.

With old rdesktop I could do this on the Linux machine:

 1) <somecommand> | xclip -i -selection clipboard

 2) Hit Ctrl-V in the windows session. 

And that would paste the output from <somecommand> into the windows
app. First time, every time.

With xfreerdp it mostly doesn't work.  But sometimes it does.  The
only way I've found to get it to work _reliably_ is this sequence:

 1) Select some text in the windows session

 2) Hit Ctrl-X in the windows session

 3) On Linux do 'xclip -o -selection clipboard'

 4) On Linux do '<somecommand> | xclip -i -selection clipboard'

 5) Hit Ctrl-V in the windows session

Steps 4/5 should be sufficient, but unless you first select and cut on
Windows and then read that data from the clipboard using 'xclip -o',
you can't paste into windows from the X11 clipboard.

Why do you have to go through such contortions with xfreerdp?

Why can't you just copy something to the X11 clipboard and hit Ctrl-V
in Windows like you can with rdesktop?

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! The entire CHINESE
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                              gmail.com            share ONE personality --
                                                   and have since BIRTH!!

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