Thanks for the suggestions. I'm trying to read in the h-offset volumes,
but I can't figure out the correct matlab script to use. To read in the
h volumes I'm using fast_ldsxabfile, but that assumes there is a file
<stem>.dat and there's no h-rh-offset.dat. I could probably hack
something together, but this sounds like a problem that's probably ben
solved before...
On Jun 16, 2004, at 16:14, Nick Knouf wrote:
What I do in "froi" is take the value at the particular voxel and
divide by the h-offset value for that voxel and multiply by 100. For
ROIs, that's done individually for each voxel, and then averaged to
get the value for the ROI.
To get the standard deviation is similar, except of course you can't
simply average standard deviations, but rather I compute the variance
for each voxel, average the variances together, and then compute the
standard deviation.
The standard error is more complicated but I can give you more info if
you'd like.
On Jun 16, 2004, at 3:24 PM, Matt Cain wrote:
I'm trying to write a script to generate hemodynamic timecourses for
particular voxels. I want to imitate the feature in tkmedit where
these graphs can be viewed as Percent Signal Change.
I know how to generate this for averages across an ROI, but that
involves computing the Average Baseline Activity, a quantity which
is tied to the size ROI and thus does not make sense to use for a
single voxel.
Does anyone know what value is used to properly scale the hemodynamic
timecourses and how to compute that value?
Matt Cain
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