
A user gets the following:

GLUT: Fatal Error in tkmedit: OpenGL GLX extension not supported by
display: <hostname>:60.0

This is using tightvnc via ssh from a windows xp box to Redhat Enterprise 3.

Every thing else seems to work fine. Any Ideas?


Joe Berens
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Minnesota - Twin Cities            Phone: 612-625-4585
200 Union Street SE, Room 4-174                  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Minneapolis, MN 55455                            Office: EE/CSsci 1-183

Department of Psychology
University of Minnesota - Twin Cities            Phone: 612-625-0644
75 East River Road                               Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Minneapolis, MN 55455                            Office: N219 Elliot Hall

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