
Does it give any further details in the error message?  It would be in
the terminal output (the popup box would not have the full message).  Do
all of those files in the command line exist and are readable?

You can also try copy-and-pasting that command directly to the terminal
(outside of qdec) to see what error message it displays.


On Mon, 2008-12-08 at 10:57 +0000, Julia Altenburg wrote:
> Hey all,
> I'm getting the following message while using qdec 
> Error in Analyze: command failed: mri_glmfit --y 
> /Users/Preissler/Desktop/Julia_FreeSurfer/korrigiert/qdec/Untitled/y.mgh 
> --fsgd 
> /Users/Preissler/Desktop/Julia_FreeSurfer/korrigiert/qdec/Untitled/qdec.fsgd 
> dods --glmdir 
> /Users/Preissler/Desktop/Julia_FreeSurfer/korrigiert/qdec/Untitled --surf 
> fsaverage lh --C 
> /Users/Preissler/Desktop/Julia_FreeSurfer/korrigiert/qdec/Untitled/contrasts/lh-Avg-Intercept-thickness.mat
>  --C 
> /Users/Preissler/Desktop/Julia_FreeSurfer/korrigiert/qdec/Untitled/contrasts/lh-Avg-thickness-alter-Cor.mat
>  --C 
> /Users/Preissler/Desktop/Julia_FreeSurfer/korrigiert/qdec/Untitled/contrasts/lh-Diff-BPD-KG-Intercept-thickness.mat
>  --C 
> /Users/Preissler/Desktop/Julia_FreeSurfer/korrigiert/qdec/Untitled/contrasts/lh-Diff-BPD-KG-Cor-thickness-alter.mat
> I've a qdec.table and a fsgd.file included in my subject folder.
> Do I have to type a command to get the fsgd. file connected?
> I'm not really sure what causes the error. While using an older freesurfer 
> version on a different mac this (but some other) error doesn't show up.
> FREESURFER_HOME: /Applications/freesurfer
> Build stamp: freesurfer-Darwin-tiger-i686-stable-pub-v4.1.0
> Kernel info: Darwin 8.11.1 i386
> Thank you in advance
> Cheers Julia
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