Hi Feng-Xian,
the surfaces all live in the surf subdirectory. To see how many vertices a
surface contains you can run either mris_euler_numer of mris_info. The
thickness is in the ?h.thickness ("curv" format file - one scalar per
vertex) and the inflated is in ?h.inflated surface format. You can
visualize the thickness in tksurfer by loading the inflated surface then
loading the thickness from the file menu using the load curvature option.
On Tue, 30 Jun 2009, Feng-Xian wrote:
I want to check the image matrix after doing autorecon-all. When I look
at the text, I see that ÿÿOriginal Data has (1, 1, 1) mm size and (224, 256,
160) voxels. Data is conformed to 1 mm size and 256 voxels for all
directionsÿÿ. This is said that that image matrix is 256 x 256 x 256. Right?
And, I want to know how many voxels do an inflated surface have? Where
dir and what text do I to get that?
And, do FreeSurfer have a text that including the value of cortical
thickness? I want to know the information of cortical thicknessÿÿs value at
all pixels of whole brain for each subject. If yes, what text has the
information of the value of cortical thickness and where do I find that
text? If no, how can I get the information?
Thank you in advance!
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