in tcsh try:

setenv doublebufferflag 1

in bash it would be

export doublebufferflag=1

before running tksurfer


On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 10:35, Cris Lanting <> wrote:

> In the hope that someone recognises the error as described in the
> attached email...
> (Sorry for the repost but I haven't found a solution yet and I'm quite
> sure someone will recognise it)
> Cris
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Cris Lanting <>
> Date: Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 1:50 PM
> Subject: display error
> To:
> Dear Freesurfer community,
> I have a display problem that affects especially tkmedit and tksurfer.
> We run freesurfer ( freesurfer-Linux-centos4_x86_64-stable-pub-v5.0.0)
> on a remote unix server and use Exceed (v. to port the
> display to a local (windows) computer. At first we got a openGL error
> stating that OpenGL was not supported when calling e.g. tksurfer. Now
> we have installed Exceed 3D to support OpenGL it seems to continue
> beyond the previous error message but comes up with a different one
> (see snippet)
> <snippet>
> subject is js
> hemi    is rh
> surface is pial
> surfer: current subjects dir: /home/cris/freesurfer/subjects
> surfer: not in "scripts" dir ==> using cwd for session root
> surfer: session root data dir ($session) set to:
> surfer:     /home/cris
> Reading image info (/home/cris/freesurfer/subjects/js)
> Reading /home/cris/freesurfer/subjects/js/mri/orig.mgz
> surfer: Reading header info from
> /home/cris/freesurfer/subjects/js/mri/orig.mgz
> fsurfer: vertices=156376, faces=312748
> surfer: single buffered window
> surfer: tkoInitWindow(js)
> Window type not found!
> surfer: failed, trying double buffered window
> Window type not found!
> surfer: failed, no suitable display found
> <end snippet>
> Any ideas?
> Note that other programs that do not use OpenGL seem to run fine (i.e.
> fslview and gedit)
> Kind regards,
> Cris Lanting
> Career Development Fellow
> MRC Institute of Hearing Research
> Science Road, University Park
> Nottingham
> NG7 2RD
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